North East Regional Institute of Education has 4 departments for carrying out various academic work in the Institute. A brief information about the departments and the list of members in each department is given below
It is one of the four departments in NERIE, umiam. The chief mandate of the department of Education is to produce new and innovative teachers and sharpen the professionalism of in-service teachers of the region embodied with contextual realities and competent enough to keep pace with changing professional requiremnets. This department is primarily responsible to manage the education related courses being run in the Institutesuch as 2-year regular B.Ed programme , Diploma in Guidance and Counseling. Certificate courses etc. Besides, Faculty also conducts Council approved PAC programmes emanting from education needs of the feeding states of the region in the form of research, development of teaching learning materials, conducting short term training programmes and organizing seminars and conferences. faculty of the Department does regularly get engaged in serious academic discussions through academic forum/ reserach forum of the institute and have good publications to their credit. The products of the department Instituteare welcomed by different schools and school organizations/ other organizations in the country and they come to the institute for campus selection every year.
Members - DE
In the Department of Languages and Social Sciences we have five permanent Faculties and two contractual Faculty teaching English, Linguistic, History, Geography and Sociology. They take classes in the two years B.Ed courses as well as conduct different teaching training programme in the eight states of the North East. NERIE is running the two years B.Ed course and the intake of the student is 100 but at the moment we have 95 students for the two batches. We have the Academic Section to monitor the activities of the students in our Institute. We have one Boys Hostel and one Girls Hostel for the staying of the students.
Members - DELSS
The Department of Extension Education, NERIE, Shillong look after and take care of different In-service Training Programmes of the Institute. Every year the Institute organized different types of In-service Training Programme including research project, extension programme, developmental programme and training programme. Over the years the areas which we covered are research on the performance of students in science at secondary level, Factor Affecting Students, Learning in ICT Integrated, Teaching-Learning Inclusive Education, Teacher Education Curriculum of NE region in the Light of NCFTE – 2009: An Analysis, Locating the Dropout Crisis at the Secondary level, English Language Learning of Students with Disability at Elementary level, RTE Implementation, Perception and Attitude of Community Members, Factors Affecting performance of students, Utilization of Science Kits in the Elementary Schools of North Eastern States, Language Learning of Hearing Impaired in Inclusive Settings, Student-Teacher Interaction, Documentation of Sign language, Evaluation of Question Papers, Use of Science Laboratories, Factors Contributing to Student Absenteeism, Accessibility and Usability of Physical, Factors Affecting Enrolment in the Government School, Evaluation of Training Programmes, Functioning of School Management Committees in Elementary Schools, Evaluation of the Influence of In-Service Training Programmes, Factors Affecting Level of Motivation and Commitment of Teachers teaching at the Primary Level, Children with Learning Difficulties, Implementation of NCERT Interventions at Elementary School Stage. NERIE has taken up many developmental programmes such as Development of Materials on Constructivist Approach to Pedagogy and Resource for Teaching of Social Science at Upper Primary Level, Design and Development of Earth Science kit for Secondary Stage, Documentation and sharing of Innovative Practices (Local Specific) in teaching learning process in the schools of Mizoram and Manipur, Development of a local/region specific source book on CCE for elementary school teachers, Development of an Exemplar bridge material from Rongmei, Tangkhul and Kom languages to Manipuri (school language), Development of a Package and Orientation of KRPs of Mizoram on NCFTE, 2009 & New regulation of NCTE, 2014, Development of Institutional Repository, Compilation of Folk tales for reading enhancement at Elementary level, Documentation of good practices in CCE in the Elementary Schools of North Eastern states, Identification and glossing of the content and function words used in primary level in the selected tribal languages of Sikkim(TSP), Establishment of Resource Centre and related activities on Arts, Crafts and Culture at NERIE, Development of supplementary teaching-learning material in Social Science for class VI in context of Arunachal Pradesh, Contextualization (translation and adaptation) of Barkha Series in the scheduled languages of North East India, Development of a Training Module on Child Rights and Child Protection, Compilation of Children’s Original Stories in Classroom Reading materials, Development of Culture specific Supplementary Reading material in English for Elementary classes, Development of Institutional Repository at NERIE, Development of Activity- based Learning Material for pre- Primary Level, Development of an Exemplar Bridge material from Bengali to Kokborok and vice versa (School Language), Development of interactive educational software for reading Meitei Mayek (Manipuri Script) for children with Learning Problems., Development of e-learning Resources Compilation of Stories/Folktales in Sign Language, Development of a documentary on ‘Deforestation’ Development of audio-visual learning package Development of a dynamic website for tracking of programmes, Development of activity based teacher’s hand book. Training on teaching learning in multilingual classes at the primary level, training of teacher education and teachers on psycho educational intervention for problems of adolescents. Moreover, there are thrust areas which cater to subject specific like programmes on Environmental Geography, Communication Skills in English. Content enrichment and Pedagogy in History and Political Science, teaching and learning of environment with special reference to the project basic, use of ICT in teaching and learning of Social Science and languages, Science and Mathematics at Secondary level, use of learning resources in Science and Mathematics improvement of Science and Mathematics. There were also thrust areas which focus on tribal language such as the training on textbook writers of newly recognized tribal languages Learning Outcomes Developing Proficiency Stress Management Techniques Guidance and Counselling. Under Extension Programme NERIE has conducted various National & Regional Level Conferences and Seminars. The areas covered are ‘Improving Learning Outcomes at School Level: Issues in Policy Planning and Implementation, Mental Health of School Children, Mathematics Education, Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 20130: Education as a Catalyst, Regional Level Conferences of SCERT/IASE/CTEs on Pedagogical Innovations in School Education Organisation of ‘Expression Series’ among school children on days of national importance, Establishment of Resource Centre and related activities on Arts, Crafts and Culture at NERIE, Extension Lectures on Contribution of Indian Educationists, Students Conference on Environment, Forest, Climate Change and Disaster Management, At NERIE, we also take up one research project which is a Block Research Project under the umbrella of NCERT.
Members - DEE
DESM, NERIE takes the responsibilities for conducting research, carrying out developmental programmes, organizing training programmes, taking up orientation programmes along with other extension activities and evaluation in the areas of Science, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and ICT for the state of North Eastern Region. Research activities carried for the department include curriculum studies, curriculum transaction, impact of teaching learning processes in the above mention areas at the school stages. The department undertakes various developmental programmes which include TLM, Supplementary Reading Materials, Teachers Handbook in the area of Science, Mathematics and environmental education, training materials as per need. The department also carries out training programmes and orientation programmes on varoious aspect related to Science and Mathematics Education for the Teacher Educators, Head Teacher and Key-Resource Person. Apart from taking up PAC approved programmes, the department also organizes programmes on National importance in the area of Science and Mathematics like Seminars, celebration of World Environment Day, National Science Day, and International Forestry Day etc. The department also takes part in completing the programmes entrusted or tasks assign by the Ministry of HRD and NIE. Another important task of the department is to provide academic support and consultancy services in the area of Science and Mathematics to the educational agencies of the states of the region from time to time. DESM, NERIE has six Faculty Members which includes five Regular and one Contractual in Mathematics.
Members - DESM
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