The institute has a full-fledged ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Laboratory with 16 computers. The systems are installed with both Linux and Windows OS. Use of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) are always encouraged in the ICT Lab. The systems are centrally managed by a domain server. The lab also is having the following facilities:
The institute has upgraded the network from Broadband connectivity to National Knowledge Network (NKN) providing high-speed internet to all the systems. Also, the institute NKN network is managed by high-end routers, wire-less controllers and access points & manageable switches. A Firewall is also in place to secure the network activity via authentication. The Network Monitoring System(NMS) monitors the networks devices stability, uptime providing high availability of network. Besides, the institute has recently passed its ICT Usage Policy (version 1.0). All the users of NERIE internet have to be abide by the policy which was introduced to use the ICT facilities safely and securely.
The institute also has high-end servers for providing storage, repository, Domain services, Backup and Proxy server etc. The institute also has a dedicated server installed in NIC data center for hosting its PMIS website.
The institute has campus-enabled Wi-Fi with high-speed NKN internet connections. The Wi-Fi facilities are also extended to the Girls’ Hostel, Boys’ Hostel and Guest Houses.
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