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The studio was setup in NERIE as part of the NCERT project in the year 2015 with the aim to develop quality e-content materials for school
children, teachers and teacher-educators. The Studio is well-furnished and well-equipped for providing teleconferencing and broadcasting services.
The studio staff is rigorously working on various projects and providing final e-content materials to CIET, NCERT for uploading on NROER,
The Studio has separate sections for recording or broadcasting live sessions.
Facilities available:
Editing Room: This section takes care of all the editing works of any recorded sessions. It has four high-end Apple Desktops, two HP Desktops, Audio and Video Mixers, talk back system for communication with the floor persons.
PCR: This section takes care of recording the audio and visual sessions as well as switch /record sessions.
Cloud Storage: Studio has its own registered domain i.e. along with a 100TB of Google Workspace Cloud Storage for data storage, purchased as a whole for the Institute.
Studio Recording Room: The room has three high-end video recording cameras with wall attached Monitor and Projector for recording & broadcasting the live sessions or presentation shows. It also has a wireless transceiver for hands free communication. Studio also has a DSLR camera, mics and speakers. The Studio staff depending upon the scripts and programmes takes up both indoor and outdoor shooting.
To view NERIE Studio Catalogue Click on the Link below
The e-content materials are developed in the Institute Studio with the help of Subject Experts providing an easy platform for students to learn and explore. The list of Digital E-contents material is listed below: |
In-Charge StudioDr. Tulika Dey
| Designed and Developed by NERIE, NCERT |
| Hosted by NIC |    
| Terms of Use |
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