The Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) makes recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding the lines on which research, training, extension and other programmes of the Council should be conducted and the channels into which they should be guided in order best to serve the object of promoting the improvement of school education in the country, keeping in view the role of the Council. It is the responsibility of the Programme Advisory Committee to consider all plans, programmes, research proposals, etc., and to examine the academic aspects of the work of the Council and to ensure a coordinated approach to the development of their programme. Chaired by the Director, NCERT, the programme Advisory Committee consists of five University Professors/Head of the Departments, five Directors of SCERTs, Joint Director, CIET & PSSCIVE, Heads of NIE Departments, Principals and Deans of Institutes of RIEs and one Professor/Reader from each NIE Department.
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Sl.No | PAC Code | Title of the Programme | Coordinator | Year | Status |
1 | 26.01 | A Study of the Factors Contributing to Poor Performance of School Education in the State of Meghalaya in the Performance Grading Index | Prof. Flourette G. Dkhar & Dr. Basansy Kharlukhi | 2023-24 | Completed |
2 | 26.02 | A Study of the Effectiveness of the Training Program on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Conducted by the Department of School Education, Assam | Prof. Nityananda Pradhan,Dr. Tulika Dey & Dr. Prachi Ghidyal | 2023-2024 | Completed |
3 | 26.03 | A Study of Performance of Key Stakeholders on the Shift from Content-based to Competency-based Teaching-Learning at the School level in Arunachal Pradesh | Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy,Dr. Prachi Ghidyal | 2023-2024 | Completed |
4 | 26.06 | A Study of Student’s Competencies in English and The Language Learning Context: The Case of West Tripura, Gomati Districts of Tripura with Special Reference to TTAADC Areas | Dr. Sarajubala Devi | 2023-2024 | Completed |
5 | 26.07 | Learning Gaps, Challenges and Innovations in Primary Education During Covid in North East Region | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar,Prof. N. Pradhan | 2023-2024 | Completed |
6 | 26.08 | Research-cum-Documentation of Sign Language for Teaching of English, Maths and Social Science in the North East Region | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2023-2024 | Completed |
7 | 26.11 | Documentation Ethnomathematics and its application to Enhance Learning Outcomes in Mathematics at Primary Stage in Arunachal Pradesh | Dr. Tulika Dey,Dr. Prachi Ghildyal | 2023-2024 | Completed |
8 | 26.12 | Development of E- Content on Toy- Based Pedagogy for North Eastern States | Prof. Balaiada Dkhar,Dr. Basansy Kharlukhi | 2023-2024 | Completed |
9 | 26.13 | Development of Teacher’s Handbook on LI Pedagogy in Multilingual & Multi-grade Context | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2023-2024 | Completed |
10 | 26.16 | Documentation of Traditional Toys and Games of Manipur for Utilisation in teaching- Learning. | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2023-2024 | Completed |
11 | 26.17 | Maintenance of Dynamic website for tracking of programmes creating programmes, data-base, and sharing and feedback mechanism | Dr. Tulika Dey | 2023-2024 | Completed |
12 | 26.18 | Development of E-Resources for the School and Teacher Education Curriculum | Dr. Tulika Dey | 2023-2024 | Completed |
13 | 26.20 | Capacity Building of SCERT and DIET Faculty Members of Arunachal Pradesh on Research Methodology | Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy,Dr Prachi Ghildyal | 2023-2024 | Completed |
14 | 26.21 | Capacity Building of DERT and DIET Faculty Members of Meghalaya on Action Research | Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy,Prof. Flourette G. Dkhar | 2023-2024 | Completed |
15 | 26.23 | Capacity Building of SCERT/DIET Faculty of Manipur on Teaching-Learning Interventions for Gifted Children | Dr. Prachi Ghildyal ,Prof. Flourette G Dkhar | 2023-2024 | Completed |
16 | 26.25 | Capacity Building on ECCE for Arunachal Pradesh and Assam | Dr. Prachi Ghildyal ,Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy & Dr. Tulika Dey | 2023-2024 | Completed |
17 | 26.28 | Capacity Building of Master Trainers/KRPs of Manipur, Meghalaya and Sikkim in FLN | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi,Dr. Basansy Kharlukhi,Smt. Shatarupa Palit | 2023-2024 | Completed |
18 | 26.30 | Capacity building of KRPs/Master Trainers in Multilingual Education for Tripura | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2023-2024 | Completed |
19 | 26.31 | Capacity Building of KRPs of Nagaland and Sikkim on Assessment and Holistic Progress Card as per NEP-2020. | Dr. Tasongwi Newmei,Prof. Balaiada Dkhar | 2023-2024 | Completed |
20 | 26.32 | Capacity Building of KRP’s in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Geography for the State of Sikkim | Mr. R. A. Singh | 2023-2024 | Completed |
21 | 26.36 | Orientation programme for KRPs of Manipur on Integration of Vocational Education in the School System | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2023-2024 | Completed |
22 | 26.37 | Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling 2023 | Dr. Prachi Ghildyal,Prof. Flourette G. Dkhar & Prof. Balaiada Dkhar | 2023-2024 | Completed |
23 | 26.38 | Certificate Course in ECCE | Dr. Prachi Ghildyal ,Dr. Tulika Dey,& Prof. N. Pradhan | 2023-2024 | Completed |
24 | 26.39 | National Conference on Teacher Education in the context of Implementing of NEP 2020 | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar & Prof. N. Pradhan | 2023-2024 | Completed |
25 | 26.40 | 12th National Conference on Mathematics Education | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi & Dr. Tulika Dey | 2023-2024 | Completed |
Sl.No | PAC Code | Title of the Programme | Coordinator | Year | Status |
1 | 26.02 | Development of an App for Enhancing Communication in Inclusive Classroom | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2022-2023 | Completed |
2 | 26.03 | Implementing Interventions at Elementary School stage: A Block Level Research | Dr. Flourette G Dkhar, Dr. Basansy Kharlukhi (Co-cordinator) | 2022-2023 | Completed |
3 | 26.04 | A Baseline Study of Language Preferences of School Students and Parents in North East Region. | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
4 | 26.05 | Research-cum-Documentation of Sign Language for Teaching of English, Maths and Social Science in the North East Region | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2022-2023 | Completed |
5 | 26.06 | Capacity Building Programme on Development of LO Based Learning Resources for FLN at the Primary Level in the North East Region | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
6 | 26.07 | Development and Maintenance of a Dynamic Website for Tracking of Programmes, Creating Programme Data-Base and Sharing Feedback Mechanism. | Dr. Tulika Dey | 2022-2023 | Completed |
7 | 26.08 | Development of E-Resources for the School and Teacher Education Curriculum | Dr. Tulika Dey & Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2022-2023 | Completed |
8 | 26.09 | Compilation of Folk songs and Rhymes in Manipuri, Thadou -Kuki, Rungmei Tangkhul, Adi and Galo languages of North East India | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
9 | 26.10 | Development of Resources on Indigenous and Traditional Ways of Learning | Dr. Tasongwi Newmei | 2022-2023 | Completed |
10 | 26.11 | Development of Teacher’s hand book on 21st century skills in the light of NEP 2020 for the North East India | Dr. Seema R | 2022-2023 | Completed |
11 | 26.12 | Development of hand book on “Experiential learning for preschool education” for the North East India | Dr. Seema R | 2022-2023 | Completed |
12 | 26.13 | Certificate Course in ECCE | Prof. N. Pradhan,Dr. Tulika Dey | 2022-2023 | Completed |
13 | 26.14 | Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (DCGC) | Dr Prachi Ghildyal | 2022-2023 | Completed |
14 | 26.15 | Capacity Building for KRPs on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) NE ) | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar | 2022-2023 | Completed |
15 | 26.16 | Capacity Building Programme for KRPs of all North Eastern states on Development of Research Tools | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
16 | 26.17 | Training on Professional Development for Vocational Teachers at Secondary Stage. | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi. | 2022-2023 | Completed |
17 | 26.18 | Capacity building for Textbook writers of Recognized Tribal languages of Manipur. | Dr.Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
18 | 26.19 | Capacity Building of KRPs of North East Region on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2022-2023 | Completed |
19 | 26.21 | Capacity Building of KRPs in Script Writing for E-Content in Social Science of North East Region | Dr. Tasongwi Newmei | 2022-2023 | Completed |
20 | 26.22 | Capacity building of KRPs on learning outcomes in Science and Mathematics at Secondary level for all NE states | Dr. Seema R | 2022-2023 | Completed |
21 | 26.23 | Capacity building of KRPs on assessment and evaluation at elementary level for the North Eastern States | Dr. Seema R | 2022-2023 | Completed |
22 | 26.24 | Capacity building of KRPs on question paper setting in Science at secondary level for all NE states. | Dr. Seema R | 2022-2023 | Completed |
23 | 26.25 | National Seminar on Shifting Focus in School Curriculum- From Context based to Competency Based Learning | Dr. Sima Saigal | 2022-2023 | Completed |
24 | 24.01 | Learning Gaps Challenges and Innovations in Primary Education during COVID in North East Region | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar | 2022-2023 | Completed |
Sl.No | PAC Code | Title of the Programme | Coordinator | Year | Status |
1 | 26.01 | Implementing Interventions at Elementary School stage: A Block Level Research Project (Bhoirymbong Block, Meghalaya) | Dr. B Barthakur,Dr Flourette G Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
2 | 26.02 | Evaluation of Primary Level Textbooks of Sikkim | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
3 | 26.03 | A Baseline Study of Language Preferences of School Students and Parents in North East. | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
4 | 26.04 | Documentation of Sign Language for Teaching of English in the North East India | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2021-22 | Completed |
5 | 26.05 | A Study of the Adolescence Problems in The State of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur and Tripura of North Eastern Region. | Dr. Basansy Kharlukhi | 2021-22 | Completed |
6 | 26.06 | A Study of Difficulties in Learning Faced by Children with Learning Problems in Primary Schools of Assam and Manipur. | Mr. B. Umesh Kumar Sharma | 2021-22 | Completed |
7 | 26.07 | Development of Teacher’s Manual on Activity –based Teaching in Science for North East states. | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
8 | 26.08 | Development of Course content on Organic Farming for Secondary stage in the Context of N. E. States | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
9 | 26.10 | Development of a Bridge Material from Chakma language to Mizo (school) language | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
10 | 26.14 | Development and Maintenance of a Dynamic Website for Tracking of Programmes, Creating Programme Data-Base, and Sharing and Feedback Mechanism. | Mr. Arnab Sen | 2021-22 | Completed |
11 | 26.15 | Development of e-Resources for the School and Teacher Education Curriculum. | Mr. Arnab Sen | 2021-22 | Completed |
12 | 26.16 | Development of hand book on “Experiential learning for preschool education” for the NE states. | Dr. Seema R. | 2021-22 | Completed |
13 | 26.18 | Capacity building for KRPs of North East Region on National Education Policy (NEP, 2020) | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
14 | 26.19 | Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling, 2021 | Dr. Flourette G. Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
15 | 26.20 | Capacity Building Programme for the SCERT and DIET Faculty Members on Research Methodology for North East States. | Dr. T. Newmei Co-ordinators: Dr. Ph. Brajayanti DeviDr. Basansy Kharlukhi | 2021-22 | Completed |
16 | 26.21 | Capacity Building Programme for Key Resource Persons of NE States on Life Skills | Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
17 | 26.22 | Capacity Building of Teachers on Multilingual Approach at the Preparatory stage (Primary) for Assam and Manipur | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
18 | 26.23 | Capacity Building for Text Book Writers of Linguistic Minorities of Arunachal Pradesh in Selection, Adaptation and Development of Resource Material in Minority Language. | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
19 | 26.24 | Capacity Building of KRPs of North East states on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. | Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
20 | 26.25 | Capacity Building of KRPs/Master Trainers in Minor-Tribal Language Teaching. | Dr. M. G. Wallang | 2021-22 | Completed |
21 | 26.26 | Enhancing Communication Skills of KRPs/Master Trainer in Promoting Inclusive Education. | Dr. M. G. Wallang | 2021-22 | Completed |
22 | 26.27 | Capacity Building of KRPs in Script Writing for E-content in English and Social Science of North East India. | Dr. M. G. Wallang | 2021-22 | Completed |
23 | 26.29 | Certificate Course in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) | Prof. N.Pradhan, Dr Tulika Dey | 2021-22 | Completed |
24 | 26.30 | Capacity Building of KRPs on Learning outcomes in Science and Mathematics at Elementary level for the state of Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland | Dr. (Mrs.) Seema R. | 2021-22 | Completed |
25 | 26.31 | Capacity Building Programme for KRPS on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for all the North Eastern States. | Dr. (Mrs.) Seema R. | 2021-22 | Completed |
26 | 26.32 | Extension Lectures Series | Dr. Tulika Dey, Dr. Prachi Ghildyal | 2021-22 | Completed |
27 | 26.34 | Development of Science Park and Herbal Garden | Dr. Tulika Dey, Mr. Arnab Sen | 2021-22 | Completed |
28 | 26.35 | National Seminar on Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in the School Curriculum: Prospects and Challenges | Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy | 2021-22 | Completed |
29 | 26.36 | Journal of Contemporary Concerns & Challenges in Education NERIE | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
30 | 26.37 | Awareness of the Key Stakeholders of Elementary Education of North Eastern Region on Competency-Based Learning Outcomes and Assessment and its implementation in the Classroom Teaching Learning Process. | Prof. Balaiada R. Dkhar, Prof. N. Pradhan | 2021-22 | Completed |
31 | 26.38 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Meghalaya | Dr. Flourette G. Dkhar | 2021-22 | Completed |
32 | 26.39 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Manipur | Dr. Ph. B. Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
33 | 26.40 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Assam | Dr. Tulika Dey | 2021-22 | Completed |
34 | 26.41 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Sikkim | Dr. Sima Saigal | 2021-22 | Completed |
35 | 26.42 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Mizoram | Dr. Sarajubala Devi | 2021-22 | Completed |
36 | 26.43 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Tripura | Dr. Melissa G. Wallang | 2021-22 | Completed |
37 | 26.44 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Arunachal Pradesh | Mr. R. A. Singh | 2021-22 | Completed |
38 | 26.45 | State Level on Consultative Meet on NEP 2020, Nagaland | Dr. T. Newmei | 2021-22 | Completed |
1. PAC 2020-2021
2. PAC 2019-2020
2. PAC 2018-2019
3. PAC 2017-2018
4. PAC 2016-2017
5. PAC 2015-2016
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