♦ National Seminar on “Mental Health of School Children: Creating an enabling environment for student well being”
National Seminar on “Mental Health of School Children: Creating an enabling environment for student well being” was held on 8th and 9th February 2018 at NERIE, Shillong. Prof Malavika Kapur, Visiting Professor at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru and former Professor and Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru was the keynote speaker for the inaugural day of the seminar and she spoke on “Bridging the Gaps between Child Development, Mental Health and Schools”. Prof David Reid Syiemlieh was the guest of honour on the occasion. The keynote speaker for the second day was Dr Sandi Syiem. Prof Gayatree Goswamee, from Gauhati University was the chief guest for the valedictory session. The themes of the seminar included Mental Health of School Children in Perspective, Vulnerability and risk of school children, Emotional and behavioural disturbances, Early identification of and interventions for, at risk populations, Restructuring methods, context and practices, Role of civil society in promoting mental health, Marginalization and inclusion, Contemporary issues/ major challenges in ensuring positive mental health of students, Legal provisions and policies, Positive mental health of school children
♦ Students Conference on Environment, Forest, Climate Change and Disaster Management
To create awareness on issues of environment, forests and climate change among the school students.
To develop a positive attitude amongst students towards environment to meet the challenges of environment, ecology and climate change at the local level.
To understand how students perceive the issues of environment and climate change
Themes of the Seminar
Development, sustainability and environment, Regional & Local Environmental issues, Community based interventions and Innovative practices of addressing local environmental issues, indigenous knowledge and traditional forms of environmental conservation, actions to combat climate change, environmental degradation and natural disasters, Designing and promoting ‘Green Schools’.
Venue: NERIE, Umiam, Shillong;
Dates: 2nd–3rdNov., 2017
Names of Dignitaries who inaugurated:
Chief Guest:Shri PHS Bonney, IFS, Additional Principal Conservator of Forest (Research and Training), Govt. of Meghalaya and
Key note speaker:Dr. Tapas Kumar Giri, IIM, Shillong,
Brief Summary: The two day Regional Level Students’ Conference on Environment, Forest, Climate Change and Disaster Management’
organized by NERIE, Shillong began with a welcome address by Prof. B. Barthakur, Principal, NERIE. Prof. Subhas Chandra Roy, Dean of
Instructions, NERIE, speaking on the occasion spoke on sustainable development and world scenario. The Conference was inaugurated
by the Chief Guest Shri PHS Bonney, IFS, Additional Principal Conservator of Forest (Research and Training), Government of Meghalaya.
Sharing his vast experiences on environmental issues based on day to day observations and its effect on physical and social health of
the society, the Chief Guest exhorted the students to take sustained initiatives for clean environment, sustainable development and
disaster management. Delivering the key note address, Dr. Tapas Kumar Giri, IIM, Shillong, shared his experiences on core environmental
issues and urged the participants to revisit the process of learning to go beyond curriculum by focusing on rich cultural practices and
values of the North East Region so as to create a new and local model of development which will be carbon neutral and green. His lecture
was interspersed with interesting facts and examples of his lived experience and sustainable practices that IIM has built into their curriculum
for bringing the future managers closer to nature. He also interacted with the students and through various games tried to bring home the
message that our planet Earth has enough to support everyone’s needs but not their greed. Through these games the children understood the
importance of a cooperative and sustainable consumption of natural resources.
Prof. Sherwin Sungoh, Dean, School of Education, NEHU, Shillong and Dr. DeepuVijayan, Scientist, Botanical Survey of India (Eastern Region), Shillong were the judges to select the best Papers presented by the students.
Altogether 12 Papers shortlisted from the entries received from the North Eastern States were presented in the Conference.
The Valedictory session was addressed by Padma Shri Jadav ‘Molai’ Payeng, Environmental Activist and the Forest Man of India.
He called upon the students to preserve Nature for a sustainable development and laid stress on importance of planting trees for ecological
balance. The Prizes for the three best Papers were given away by Padma Shri Payeng. The conference was a good platform for raising awareness
about several critical local environmental issues like flood management for Guwahati, coal mining in Nongstoin, green schools, waste management,
organic farming, bamboo drip irrigation, relevance of traditional house designs in mitigating disasters etc. Such seminars can go a long way in
sensitizing people and changing attitudes towards the environment.
♦ The two day National Seminar on Mathematics Education
The two day National Seminar on Mathematics Education was inaugurated on 21st December, 2017 at North east Regional Institute of Education, (NCERT) Umiam. Prof Bidyadhar Barthakur, Principal, NERIE, welcomed the delegates from all parts of the country and gave a brief introduction of the institute while highlighting the objectives of the seminar. Mr Arnab Sen, Assistant Professor and convener of the seminar gave a background stating that this seminar is a series of similar activities conducted by NCERT at all other RIEs to commemorate the birth anniversary of the great Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan and the seminar in NERIE completed the cycle. Floral tributes were also paid to Ramanujan on this occasion. Prof Subash Chandra Roy, Dean of Instruction at NERIE apprised the house of the initiatives taken by NCERT for improving Mathematics Education in the country. He stressed that mathematics is not just a subject to be taught but has become almost like a life skill. However, what goes on in the classroom does not match our goals of Mathematics Education. The biggest concern is the fear of mathematics and the fear of failure in mathematics. Highlighting the recommendations of the NCF-2005, he stressed that the need was for mathematization of the child’s thinking. Prof A. K Rajput, Professor NCERT and Head, Department of Elementary Education and Guest of Honour on the occasion stated that the focus now is not only on content mastery but also the mastery of competencies. He also mentioned that mathematics should be integrated with all disciplines. Prof Tarini Kumar Dutta, retired professor and head, Department of Mathematics, Gauhati University, a renowned mathematician and the keynote speaker for the day spoke on the “Beauty of Mathematics and its applications to the natural world”. He stated that in the present times knowledge is a necessity but along with it we need to give additional skills to our students including creativity, positive thinking, quick understanding and responding, logical thinking, leadership, analytical reasoning and personality development. Stressing that God is the greatest Mathematician and nature the greatest physician he demonstrated several examples of perfect mathematics in nature, art and architecture and the human body using a major example of the Fibonacci numbers. Prof Dutta made the lecture and mathematical concepts very easily understandable and interesting for all the delegates. The Inaugural Session concluded with a vote of thanks from Prof Balaiada R Dkhar, Dean of Research, NERIE. The programme was compered by Dr Tulika Dey, Assistant Professor at NERIE and the co-convenor for the seminar. The Technical Sessions on paper presentation started after the morning tea break. Sessions were organized in Conference Room-I and Conference Room-II in parallel. There were total 6 Sessions on Day-I (21st December, 2017) where Papers were presented by the participants from different parts of the Country. Prof. R. Ramanujam from Institute of Mathematical Science, Prof. Anup Rajput, Head, DEE, NCERT, Prof. V. S. Prasad from RIE, Mysore, Dr. f. G. Dkhar, Head, DE, NERIE, Prof. B. R. Dkhar, Head, DEE, NERIE, Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi, Head, DESM, NERIE were respectively the Chairpersons of the Sessions. The Second and Final day (22nd December, 2017) was started with the Keynote Address by eminent Mathematician, Prof. R. Ramanujam from IMSc, Chennai. He spoke about “Mapping the School Mathematics Curriculum”. After the tea break 2 parallel Technical Sessions were organized in Conference-I and Conference-II. Prof. V. S. Prasad from RIE, Mysore and Dr. T. P. Sarma from DESM, NIE, NCERT respectively were the Chairpersons of those sessions. There was an Exhibitions of Mathematics materials developed by NCERT, Participants and different organisations. Mathematics Kits for Elementary, Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary Level developed by NCERT were displayed. The Bodhayan Sansthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan exhibited the mathematical material developed by them during the session and also throughout the Program. The exhibition was arranged in front of the auditorium. After the Exhibition, there was a Panel Discussion. Prof. Anup Rajput was anchoring in the discussion. Prof. R. Ramanujam, Prof. V. S. Prasad, Dr. T. P. Sarma, Dr. Arup K. Saha were the Panelists. The topic of the discussion was “School Mathematics Curriculum for 21st Century Learners”. The audience also interacted with the Panelists and their queries were addressed. The Valedictory Session was started with the welcome address by Prof. Bidyadhar Barthakur, Principal, NERIE. Dr. P. L. N. Raju, Director, North Eastern Space Application Center graced the session as Chief Guest. The programme Coordinator, Mr. Arnab Sen, Assistant Professor, NERIE gave a brief report of the Seminar. Total 45 papers were presented on different topic and themes. Participants came from different institutes from different corners the country. Apart from the paper presentations there were some different activities like exhibitions, Panel Discussion, Keynote Address by noted Speakers. Dr. Raju, in his valedictory speech talked about the importance of mathematics learning and how it helps to build a better Person. Dr. T. Newmei, Assistant Professor, DELSS, NERIE compered in the Valedictory Session. The program concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Arnab Sen, coordinator of the Program.
♦ National Conference on Quality Education in the Present Educational Scenario
A two-day National Conference on the theme ‘Quality Education in the Present Educational Scenario’ was held on the 23rd & 24th February, 2017 at NERIE, Umaim. The objectives of this National Conference is to deliberate upon the need and importance of quality education, to share the innovative ideas and interventions of Govt. and Non Govt. agencies in relation to quality education, to discuss on different issues, concerns & challenges in enhancing quality education and to document the deliberated ideas & interventions for quality education. The Sub-themes which are covered under this conference are Curriculum, Science and Mathematics, Psycho-educational perspective, Inclusive Education, Language Education, Teacher Education, School Education, Information and Communication Technology, Skill-based education, Art Education, Sociological Perspectives, Educational Policies/Schemes, Contemporary themes in Assessment and Evaluation, Value & Human Rights Education and Innovative Pedagogy. A total number of 87 paper presenters participated in the National Conference. On the first day the keynote address was given by Prof. N. Promodini, Director, Women’s Studies Centre, Manipur University, Imphal and on the second day the keynote address was given by Prof. Khagendra Kumar, Dean, Faculty of Education, Patna University. The valedictory address was given by Shri. Robert G. Lyngdoh, Vice Chancellor, Martin Luther University, Shillong.
♦ Extension Lecture Series -Contribution of Indian Educationists
The programme has been designed mainly to create awareness on the contribution of Indian educationists in the field of education and social reform. These lectures will disseminate the life, work and values of the educationists so that they can be role models for us. Two lectures were organized by NERIE, Shillong on Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo in the Institute auditorium .The first extension lecture on Swami Vivekananda was organized on 9th October,2015 and the speaker was Swami Sarvapriyananda, Acharya, Ramakrishna Mission Belur Math. Swami Achyuteshananda, Secretary Ramakrishna Math, Shillong acted as the Chairperson. Students and teachers of St. Mary’s college and PGT B.Ed. College, Shillong were invited to attend the lecture. The second lecture was held on 11th March, 2016 on Sri Aurobindo’s contributions to education and the speaker was Dr. Anirban Ganguly, Director, S. P. Mookerjee - Research Foundation, New Delhi and Member, CABE under Ministry of HRD. Students and faculty of Synod College and UCC College, Shillong were the guests along with the B.Ed. students of the Institute. Both the lectures were attended by faculty from universities and colleges, journalists and other dignitaries.
♦ Regional Conference on Pedagogical Innovations in School Education
A Regional Conference on Pedagogical Innovations in School Education was held on March 17-18, 2016 at NERIE, Shillong a series of sub themes like ICT pedagogy integration, gender issues, innovation in teaching learning practices, innovation in student assessment and evaluation, art education, case studies etc. Papers were invited from education functionaries, administrators, practicing teachers, researchers and others. 23 papers were presented in the two-day conference followed by question and answer session. Each session was coordinated by the Chairperson and the proceedings recorded by the rapporteur. The papers were on areas like innovative practices in teaching science, use of collaborative language learning approach in Indian schools, teaching History through thinking maps, case study of a smart school , innovation in CCE in a private school, use of constructivist 5 E’s model etc. The suggestions and discussions on school education were not only innovative but also easy to be implemented.
♦ Encouraging Literary Skills: An Integration of Children’s Original Stories in Classroom Reading Materials
This programme was organized to promote reading in young children. Students from different schools representing different sections of society contributed their original stories which were reviewed by a panel of experts. These stories have been compiled in book form with colourful illustrations. A copy of each will be disseminated to the schools in order to motivate other children to read and write. Teachers can make use of this book to promote a culture and love for reading in children.
♦ Development of e-learning resources on the Culture of the North Eastern States for Secondary School students
The main objectives of the programme were to (i) To highlight on the main culture of the people of the North Eastern states, so that students will appreciate its rich and varied culture.(ii) To bring the culture of the North eastern Sates nearer to the students who live in other parts of the country.(iii) To promote a sense of brotherhood and fraternity amongst all students in the country. To meet the objectives, a five day workshop was organized in the Institute in the month of November, where Heads of Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies of the Universities of Sikkim, Tripura and the North Eastern Hill University were invited. Officials working in the Department of Art and Culture of the states of Meghalaya, Nagaland,Sikkim and Tripura (as the study was confined only to these four states) also formed part of this Workshop to work out on modalities of data collection. The developed material is rich, varied and colourful. It is hoped that it will definitely motivate the students to learn about the culture of the North East.
♦ Compilation of Stories/Folktales in Sign Language: A Visual Tool to Promote English Language Learning in NE Region
An approximate number of 90 folktales/short stories were selected from the different states in North East region. These have been translated into sign language in visual format using video recording and compilation into a series of folktales with illustrations and captions. This development was conducted in order to bridge the language gap that exists for young d/Deaf children reading in school. The videos were also tested in inclusive schools and special school and have received positive feedback from both the students and the teachers.
♦ Development of a Documentary on ‘Deforestation’
The main objectives are:
1) sensitized on the causes of deforestation.
2) able to understand the effects of ‘Deforestation’ virtually and will be motivated for its conservation
3) The Documentary will help ingenerating awareness all in general and help in wider dissemination.
Clientele group: Class IX , X and D.El. Ed. students
Major highlights: The Documentary contains the concept of ‘Deforestation’. Students today are connected to technology in
education in ways that we could never imagine. The use of technology to engage children actively in learning has exploded in recent years.
It also makes sense that many children learn best through an interactive engagement with technology. The successful integration of ICT into
the classroom will depend on the ability of teachers to structure the learning environment in new ways, to merge new technology with a new
pedagogy, to develop socially active classrooms, encouraging cooperative interaction, collaborative learning, critiquing situations and group work.
There has been a felt need in sensitizing the young students and teachers in general about fast depleting forest cover. This human activity
has resulted in many of the owes of the present day human civilization, particularly in NE India viz., landslide, floods, man and animal
conflict, etc. The documentary will help in its wider dissemination and reaching the objectives of sustainable future.
♦ Review cum ModerationWorkshop for Class I to VIII (Elementary Level) for Gunotsav
Objectives: To moderate the tools / question papers developed by the State of Assam Resource Group for Gunotsav.
Clientele group: Elementary Level (Class I – VIII).
Major highlights:
Acted as an Expert for the Review cum Moderation Workshop on tools for assessment of children’s performance from Class I
to VIII(Elementary Level) for Gunotsav to be conducted by State of Assam, held at Conference Hall, SSA, Assam on 5th to 7th
June and 19th to 23rd June, 2017. For regular monitoring of quality of Education, the State of Assam has started the Gunotsav
following Gujarat model since 2016, for which tests are prepared by a resource Group. The developed tests are then moderated
and then administered on a particular day in phased manner.
♦ Development of a dynamic website for tracking of programmes, creating programme data-base, and sharing and feedback mechanism
There was a need of creating a database for the programmes conducted by NERIE and NCERT as the information related to the programmes could be immensely helpful to the stakeholders. The plan was to create not only the database but also to make a sharing and feedback mechanism. The dynamic website would help the purpose to keep track of the programmes and to interact with all users/stakeholders. A planning meeting was conducted with the NIC, Meghalaya and NERIE officials. In the meeting it was decided that the NIC, Meghalaya will give a full proposal of the project of making the website after submission of the needs/requirements by NERIE. The proposal of NIC, Meghalaya was received and NIC, Meghalaya was entrusted to develop the website. The probable time of completion is before March, 2019. The budget has been transferred in full to NIC, Meghalaya. NERIE will be intimated time to time about the development of the project.
♦ Development of e-Resources for the School and Teacher Education Curriculum
NERIE was equipped with a fully functional studio similar to the facilities available in other RIEs. The proposal for developing the e-resources
was submitted to PAC as creating digital content is one of the foremost needs in school education. The proposal is thus started in the facility
of NERIE studio by the coordinator, Mr. Arnab Sen, Assistant Professor. The project has 5 posts namely Technical Coordinator, Producer,
Production Assistant, Engineering Assistant and one MTS. Studio under the said project has been involved in developing many resources
in Science, Social Science and other educational videos.
Some of the videos are as follows:
1) Chapter-13: Why do we fall Ill?
2) Chapter-2: Matter in our Surroundings (part-1)
3) Chapter-2: Matter in our surroundings (part-2)
4) Chapter-4: Structure of the atom (Thomson's model of an atom)
5) Chapter-4: Structure of the atom (Rutherford's model of an atom)
6) Chapter-4: Structure of the atom (Bohr's model of an atom)
7) Chapter - 11: Work and Energy (part-1)
8) Chapter -9: Force and laws of Motion (part-1)
9) Chapter -9: Force and Laws of Motion (Part-2)
10) Chapter -9: Force and Laws of Motion (Part-3)
11) Chapter -9: Force and Laws of Motion (Part-4)
Social Science:
1) Chapter 6: Democratic rights
2) Chapter 2: Physical features of India
3) Chapter 5: Natural vegetation and wildlife
4) Chapter 4: Climate
5) India size and Location [Chapter 1]
6. Section III: Everyday Life, Culture & Politics
Other videos:
1. Children story writing workshop
2. International Forestry Celebration
3. International Bio-diversity Day
4. National Environment Day
5. B.Ed Students Internship Final Report
6. International Yoga Day
7. Audio Visual workshop
8. A study factors contributing to student Absenteeism at elementary School level in Tribal Concentrated areas in Tripura
9. Orientation of faculty members on development of E-content
10. 10 Days workshop on Compilation of Sign Language Stories/Folktales in NE Region
11. NERIE Foundation Day
12. Teacher’s Day celebration
13. Recording of Lullaby, Rhyme &Recitation of Story of various Tribe
14. Swach Bharat Pakhwara in umiam
15. Training of Teachers of teaching, learning in multi lingual class at the primary level for North East
16. Student conference on Environment, forest, climate change and disaster management
17. Training of master trainers on teaching learning of science with special focus on activities and projects at elementary level for the north eastern states
18. National seminar on Mathematics Education
19. Orientation cum training on e-resources for key resource persons at the secondary level organised by RMSA cell, NERIE in collaboration with CIET , NCERT, New Delhi
20. National Seminar on mental health of school children
21. Shooting on WebApp sign language videos
22. Training of key resource persons on research methodology for the states of Mizoram and Meghalaya
23. Training of Master Teachers of Sikkim on question paper setting at upper primary level
24. Encouraging literary skills : A compilation of children’s stories for classroom integration
25. International mother language day “Matri Bhasha Diwas”
26. National science day “Science and Technology for Sustainable future”
27. Development of activity based on Teacher’s handbook in science for the state of Arunachal Pradesh at secondary level- phase 2
28. Recording on Sign Language
29. Narration of Folktales in the context of North Eastern Region
♦ Development of interactive educational software for reading Meetei Mayek (Manipuri Script) for children with Learning Problems
The main objective of the program was to develop interactive educational software for reading Meetei Mayek (Manipuri Script) by children with learning problems. Two workshops were conducted firstly, workshop on simplification of the content presentation and adaptations to the teaching techniques & strategies for reading Meetei Mayek by children with Learning Problems from 30 May to 6 June, 2017. Secondly, workshop on preparation of audio and image content, and programme framing from 27 June to 7 July, 2017 at SCERT. As a outcome from the two workshops required content and structure for developing the programme is ready. It consists of e-learning and e-learning applications. A total of 11 tasks are prepared for the purpose of identification of Mayek. However, due to non receiving of the quotations from the competent firms the last activity of the program i.e. development of the programme couldn’t be completed.
♦ Developing the Institutional Repository of NERIE
The programme entitled ‘Development of Institutional Repository at NERIE’ was proposed with three objectives they are
i) to document and preserve the academic output of the institute,
ii) to provide a central archive of the works of the Institute, and
iii) to maximize the visibility and availability of the output of the Institute. Coordinator of the programme was Mr. B. Umesh Kumar
Sharma, Asst. Professor. One Junior Project Fellowship was identified and appointed for three month by competent authority. Faculty
meeting was organized to discuss about the requirements and contributions to be made by the faculty members. The System was created
under five domains viz. community, author, subject, category, date & year. During the period ten documents were arranged and uploaded
into the system. As it is at initial stage, basic requirements are yet to be established; therefore the documents are not placed in public
♦ Development of activity based teacher’s hand book in Science for the State of Arunachal Pradesh at Secondary level
This program was proposed based on the need identified by the state in the State Coordinating Committee (SCC) meeting with the educational
functionaries of Arunachal Pradesh. The state needs to improve the quality of Science Education which will in turn motivate the students
in learning Science. Moreover, NCF 2005 emphasis more on learning without cramming, going beyond text books by relating the concepts to
real life examples. Also, many teachers are facing problems in transacting the scientific concepts to the students. Keeping in view of these,
the state requested NERIE to develop an activity based teacher’s hand book on Science which will enhance the teachers' competency in transacting
scientific concepts through hands on experience and hence will improve the Science education scenario of the state.
The objectives are
(i) To develop detailed guidelines on the importance of activities and projects in teaching – learning of Science
(ii) To provide practical experience to the teachers in using locally available materials as teaching aids and stimulate their interests in
scientific inquiry
(iii)To empower them with the Science process skills and scientific methodology
(iv)To enhance competency of the teachers towards activity based learning through hands on experience including the use of locally available
materials of Arunachal Pradesh. The programme was conducted in Workshop mode (Phase-I & II): 10-days Workshop with the state officials
and resource persons to finalize the content of the hand book and planning of dissemination of the book among the science teachers of the
States. Phase I was conducted from 11th – 15th September 2017 with 5 number of participants and Phase II was conducted from 5th – 9th March
2018 with 7 number of participants.
♦ A Handbook for Teachers on Child Rights and Child Protection
The development of this Handbook was the outcome of a five day workshop held in the month of January 2017.The members of this workshop comprised of some of the NERIE faculty, a representative from UNICEF, Assam, Principals of schools and NGOs. The Handbook focusses mainly on an Introduction on Child Rights, Child Abuse and Neglect, An ideal School Environment and Reporting Child Abuse. Before its finalisation, the Handbook was shared during with the District School Education Officers of five Districts, Principals and teachers, for suggestions for its further improvement. This Handbook was developed as per the state educational need of Meghalaya. It will be handed over to the Department of Education during the State Coordination Committee meeting.
♦ Development of Activity based TLM for Pre-primary Level
A four-day workshop for developing Activity based TLM for Pre-primary Level was conducted at NERIE, Umiam from 14th – 17th March, 2017. A total of 9 experts contributed towards the development of the material. The clientele group comprised of SCERT faculty, College Teacher and DIET faculty apart from NERIE faculty members from the department of Education, Language and Science. The primary objectives for developing the material was to capacitate the teachers in organizing activities for the development of competencies in children at primary level in terms of adaptation and differentiation in various domains. During the workshop numerous activities for various learning areas like language (listening, reading and communication), preparatory mathematics (understanding number concepts and symbols), environmental learning (importance of their own basic health and nutrition), arts (creative activities), and physical (participation in physical activities and motor development) were developed along with the procedural details.
♦ Development of Supplementary Reading Materials for Classes I to V
Development of Supplementary Reading Materials for Classes I to V (an SSA/SEMAM Govt. of Meghalaya sponsored programme). These materials were developed to take forward the mission of the popularly known as Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Schemean MHRD, GOI programme. Reading cards for classes I to III were developed and ‘Reader’s theatre for Classes IV and V. Dr. Melissa G. Wallang collaborated with a team of experts and developed these materials by contextualizing the content as per the curriculum and textbooks used in the state of Meghalaya. These materials were developed to promote reading habits and reading skills at the primary level. A joy for reading needs to be emphasized at a young age, hence they are printed with well-illustrated and colourful pictures that are culturally relevant to community. The goal is to strengthen the culture of reading in the State of Meghalaya. These materials will be published by the SEMAM-SSA , Govt. of Meghalaya.
♦ Narration of Folktales in Sign Language in the Context of North East Region Brief Synopsis (Visual tool):
These narration were compiled in a CD-ROM on which is a proto-type consisting only of 9 folktales from different parts of North east and a dialogue about sign language interpreting. This CD-ROM is a consequence of the language activities developed from an ongoing PAC research that focuses on English language learning by HI and PD children in inclusive setting. Hence, these folktales were narrated for testing by a sign language interpreter in inclusive schools
♦ Encouraging Reading: Compilation of Children's Original Stories in Classroom Reading Materials
This programme is an ongoing programme, the first workshop on story writing was completed in the month of March, 2017. This programme was proposed due to the dearth of children’s literature (i.e. apart from folktales, biographies, and short stories) in the NE region that can motivate children to read. Children are often interested in narrating and making their own stories that depict their understanding of the world around them based on their individual experiences and observations. The objectives of this programme are to integrate stories written by children in classroom reading materials and to promote reading culture in children.
♦ Supplementary Reader on NE India, organized by DESS, NIE, NCERT, New Delhi from 18th – 21st Oct., 2016.
The supplementary reader, North East India: People, History and Culture have been developed with the objective to create and enhance awareness about north-eastern states of India among young children, particularly those living in other parts of the country. It is often noticed that there is a general lack of awareness about these states of North East India among young children, particularly those living in other parts of the country. This hinders the inclusion of the children and people of the region in mainstream of India and integration with the country. It is hoped that the book will be helpful in increasing awareness and understanding about these states among the children of India.
♦ Review cum Moderation of tools
Review cum Moderation of tools (Mathematics) for assessment of children’s performance from Class II to VIII for Gunotsav was conducted by the State of Assam, held at Conference Hall, SSA, Assam on 3rd and 4th Nov, 2016. The main objective is to moderate the tools / question papers developed by the State of Assam Resource Group for Gunotsav. The quality of elementary education has been a major concern in today’s society. Assam has decided that Primary school students at least have basic knowledge of reading, writing and simple mathematics equations which may be helpful in performing their daily activities following Gujarat model. With these objectives tools were developed to assess their achievement and different sets of tools were developed. The review workshop was done to check the appropriateness of the set tools for the age group, difficulty level of each item and the vocabulary used.
♦ Development of an Exemplar Bridge material from Kokborok to Bengali and Vice Versa
The programme was held in two phases: Phase: I from 28th November to 2nd December 2016 at NERIE, Umiam and Phase: II from 6th -10th February 2017 at the Directorate of Minority and other Tribal languages. Altogether 12 language experts representing from Kokborok language have attended the programme. The language experts were facilitated by faculty members from, ABILAC, Manipur University and NERIE. The main objective of the programme was to develop a bridge material for Primary Classes from Kokborok language to Bengali, the state language. Various sections were selected from the books to be rendered in Bengali languages for classes II, III, IV and V (20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of the materials in Mathematics and Environmental studies) the rest of the material is kept in tribal language. Few sections from Bengali books are also translated and adapted in the tribal language. The purpose exercise is to have a smooth switching to the state language from the tribal language, which is required for a multilingual setup. The bridge material has to be read along with the available textbooks in Bengali, for mathematics the for class I – it is 100% in the tribal language, Class II- has80% , class III- has 60%, Class IV has 40%and class V has 20% in the Kokborok language. For Environmental studies 3, 4 lessons, and 3 lessons each for class III, IV and V are in Kokborok languages.
♦ Development of Culture Specific Supplementary Reading Materials in English for Elementary Classes
This programme was held at NERIE, Umiam, from 21st to 27th Feb, 2017, the programme is only for the state of Arunachal Pradesh, the programme was attended by eight resource persons. As Arunachal Pradesh is using the textbooks developed by NCERT without any adaptation, the question of cultural relevance of the materials is always there. From this viewpoint the English textbooks were evaluated and looked for the areas in which state specific cultural items could be added. On the basis of the analysis few folk tales, poems, festivals, culture specific foods and marriage has been included in the supplementary material, while developing the material, language is made as per with the languages used in the textbook for respective classes.
♦ Development of interactive educational software for reading Meetei Mayek (Manipuri Script) for children with Learning Problems
The programme was conducted by Mr. B. Umesh Kumar Sharma, Asst. Professor as coordinator. It was organized from 4th to 8th October, 2016 at SCERT, Manipur and attended by twelve experts. Around 1145 words were identified under four domain viz. Mapi Mayek, Lonsum Mayek, Cheitap and Cheishing. Second activity was carried out from 5th to 13th January, 2017 at SCERT, Manipur and attended by 14 experts. The objective of the workshop was to find out the present strategies and practices in teaching and learning process to read Meetei Mayek. The study was on the basis of available books, worksheets, applications and existing practices. Around thirty three strategies were located for teaching Mapi Mayek, Lonsum Mayek, Cheitap Mayek and Cheising Mayek.
♦ Development of Institutional Repository
The programme entitled ‘Development of Institutional Repository at NERIE’ was proposed with three objectives they are
i) to document and preserve the academic output of the institute,
ii) to provide a central archive of the works of the Institute, and
iii) to maximize the visibility and availability of the output of the Institute. Coordinator of the programme was Mr. B. Umesh Kumar
Sharma, Asst. Professor. One Junior Project Fellowship was identified and appointed for three month by competent authority. Faculty
meeting was organized to discuss about the requirements and contributions to be made by the faculty members. The System was created
under five domains viz. community, author, subject, category, date & year. During the period ten documents were arranged and uploaded
into the system. As it is at initial stage, basic requirements are yet to be established; therefore the documents are not placed in public
♦ Documentation and Sharing of Innovative Practices (Local Specific) in Teaching-Learning Process in Schools of Mizoram and Manipur.
The specific objectives of the programme are: (i) to document the selected innovative practices in teaching -learning processes of basic school subjects such as Science, Mathematics, Language and Social Sciences in the states of Manipur and Mizoram; and (ii) to share the innovative teaching-learning practices among the KRPs in the respective States through workshop as well as electronic modes. The programme has been planned for two years. The first year (2014-15) of the program was devoted to survey of innovative teaching-learning practices in identified schools of Mizoram and Manipur. The list of schools was provided by SCERTs of the respective states. Extensive survey of these schools revealed some innovative practices, inter alia, in the areas of student assessment, work education, organization of curricular activities, Personal Social Qualities (PSQ), school community relationship, and preparation of teaching learning materials. All these practices were documented and shared with the education functionaries of the respective states at the end of survey. In the current year (2015-16) steps will be taken to create a dynamic website and upload the practices documented for wider dissemination.
♦ Development of a Package and Orientation of KRPs of Mizoram on NCFTE, 2009 & New regulation of NCTE, 2014
A package for orienting KRPs of Mizoram on NCFTE, 2009 and NCTE New Regulation, 2014 was developed with special reference to Reflective Journal and Record keeping. The process of developing the package included: (i) a planning meeting; (ii) a workshop to design and develop modules for orientation; and (iii) a workshop to review the modules already developed. The planning meeting was attended by the senior experts from Universities, RIEs and NERIE Faculty members. As many as 18 themes and their sub-themes were identified in the meeting to prepare the package. The themes, inter alia, include: vision of teacher and teacher education; salient features of NCFTE-2009, JVC Report-2012, NCTE Regulation-2014; professional development of teachers; and curricular areas of teacher preparation. The modules were developed in a five day workshop by the resource persons from different teacher education institutions, and university departments of education of the country. The modules were thoroughly reviewed by a small team of experts on identified parameters. The package is now ready to be used for the orientation of the teacher educators of not only North East region, but also of the entire country in view of the recent reforms in the regulations, contents, and process of teacher education programme brought out by MHRD and NCTE.
♦ Integration of Local Knowledge in the School Curriculum of Elementary Schools in the Context of Manipur State
The main objectives of the programme were to provide link for children between home , school and universe; encourage interaction with the immediate environment; application of interdisciplinary concept in dealing with local, regional and national issues and promoting curricular knowledge acquisition. The user of the material are school teachers and beneficiary at receiving end are both teachers and students The invited experts include teacher educators, school Headmasters, school teachers, college teachers, officials from Social Welfare Department, members from Literature Societies, and Local writers. A format consisting list of local knowledge was developed. The format includes two categories of local knowledge as already present in the books and another as not present In the books but suggested to be incorporated in different ways may be in the content, pedagogy or in assessment with specification of unit , page number and number of lines if necessary. Incorporation of local knowledge was found to be insufficient in most of the textbooks of language, science and mathematics while in the text books of social science integration of local knowledge was to a greater extent.
♦ Development of Local Language Materials (Resource Text) in Khasi and Garo
Local Language Materials (Resource Text) in Khasi and Garo were developed for Classes I and II, which was funded by SSA, Govt. of Meghalaya. Four textbooks in the regional language (Khasi and Garo) emerged out of this programme for classes I and II. These are known as Resource Text designed to cater to the needs of both the teachers and students. They are printed with well illustrated pictures that are culturally relevant to Khasi and Garo community. The aim is to promote reading in young children with a view to strengthen mother tongue education in the State of Meghalaya.
♦ Material Development and Orientation of Teacher Educators for local/cultural art forms and traditions of NE states
Material Development and Orientation of Teacher Educators on local /Cultural Art forms and Traditions of North East States was taken up. A series of three workshops were oganised for material development for three northeastern states of Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya. The objectives of the programme were to document various Art forms and Traditions of the State of Assam Manipur and Meghalaya, to identify ways of incorporating connecting the identified arts and traditions with the school curriculum, to sensitise teacher educators to the need for connecting culture and traditions to the curriculum and to impart training to the teacher educators on connecting art and Tradition with the curriculum in order to make both truly responsive to the needs of the community. Since art forms and traditions are a wide subject, the developed material focuses mostly on those that are relevant for imparting values to the students of elementary level. An attempt is made to integrate the art and culture of a particular state with certain subject areas so that these can be imparted to the students while transacting the mainstream curriculum rather than having a separate class for the same. Feedback has not yet been sought.
♦ Development of a local/region specific source book on CCE for elementary school teachers
A local/region specific source book on CCE for elementary school teachers was developed. The main objectives were to develop a source book on CCE incorporating local/region specific content for the state of Sikkim and to document best practices in CCE in the source book. The main clientele group was the teachers teaching in elementary level. The developed material gives an insight to the teachers to effectively make evaluation and integral part of the teaching-learning process. The material has been made local specific and the books of Sikkim Government were taken into account for developing the exemplary materials.
♦ Workshop on Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA)
The ‘Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan’ (RAA) is planned to provide nourishing and nurturing support to schools and a platform for schools in a dual track approach to make Science, Mathematics and Technology exciting to children and encourage them to have an enduring interest both inside classroom and outside classroom activities. To realise this goal in the North Eastern Region a Workshop was organised in NERIE, on 24th and 25th February, 2016 with all the Nodal Officers of North Eastern States. The objective of the workshop is to evolve - ‘Guidelines’ to form State Resource Group (SRG) for States of the region, ‘List of activities as exemplar material’ i.e., the activities to be undertaken and the strategies to be adopted by States to successfully roll out the major interventions suggested in RAA book. The clientele group is for children from 6 to 18 years. During the two day workshop and in consultation with all the stakeholders of the State, the State Resource Group (SRG) for RAA was recommended. The SRG would play a critical role in guiding the RAA programme to meet the objectives of the scheme in quality improvements in Elementary Education. The Terms of Reference for the SRG was also proposed. Besides these, various other activities were planned to achieve the objectives of the scheme. Initiatives to encourage Science and Mathematics through Alternative Strategies were the major thrust area of the workshop. School Mentoring; Promotion of Science and Mathematics Teacher Circles; Science, Mathematics and Technology Clubs for Children; Participation of students in inter school / state / national science and mathematics exhibition / competitions / olympiads, etc. were a few areas which were deliberated at length. The workshop ended with recommendations for national workshop in all the components.
♦ Development of an Exemplar Bridge material from Ruangmei, Tangkhul and Kom languages to Manipuri (School language)
The main objective of the programme was to develop a Bridge Material for Primary Classes from the Kom, Tangkhul and Ruangmei language to
Manipuri, the state language. In the state of Manipur, Manipuri is the medium of instruction in the government schools and the books
are also published in this language. Therefore, the children have to face the problem of switching to the school language both as a
medium of instruction as well as the language of the textbook. The purpose of this bridge material is to make the children familiar to
the school language in a graded manner. Here in this context the tribal child has to use the book prescribed by Board of Secondary Education
alongside with the Bridge Material. Through this Bridge material Kom, Tangkhul and Ruangmei language speaking children can have the opportunity
to study certain chapters in their own tribal language. Various chapters were selected from the Mathematics and Environmental Studies books
(Manipuri medium books) and translated and adapted in Tribal Languages for classes I, II, III, IV and V in the following proportion: 100%,
80%, 60%, 40% and 20% respectively. The bridge material is of two kinds one for the Mathematics and the other for the Environmental studies.
The mathematics Bridge Material has the following scheme:
Class I –Solely in tribal language, class II has 6, Class III has 7, Class IV has 5 and Class V has 4 lessons respectively in tribal language the rest of the chapters are in Manipuri.
The Environmental Studies Bridge Material has the following scheme:
Class III has 15 lessons and 14 lessons each for Class IV and V in Tribal language and accordingly Manipuri lessons are 13, 15 1nd 20 lessons respectively for class III, IV and V.
♦ Development of Supplementary reading materials in the form of compilation of Folktales of NER of India
Supplementary reading materials in the form of compilation of Folktales of NER of India were developed for Children of Grade I and II - under SSA. The objective of this material is to serve as a good source for literacy development of Children. The folktales comprised of seven States of North Eastern Region and from each State only one tribe was selected. From each tribe ten folktales were collected and compiled. These tribes are Boro from Assam, Nyshi from Arunachal Pradesh, Tangkhul from Manipur, Garoffrom Meghalaya, Mizo from Mizoram, Angami from Nagaland and Kokborok from Tripura.
♦ Development of Institutional Repository at NERIE
Development of Institutional Repository at NERIE has been proposed with three objectives: i) to document and preserve the academic output of the institute, ii) to provide a central archive of the works of the Institute, and iii) to maximize the visibility and availability of the output of the Institute. Several meeting for the team members were held and organized a workshop entitled ‘Planning for Development of Institutional Repository System at NERIE’. At the end of the workshop a complete picture of the requirements under six heading are came up as the recommendations, they are, i) Requirement analysis, ii) Developing policies, iii) Designing, iv) Implementation, v) Testing, and vi) Maintenance.
♦ Certificate Course for primary school teachers on education of children with learning problems
Training materials for the three month certificate course for primary school teachers on education of children with learning problems were developed in a workshop. A total of nine experts involved in the preparation of the training materials from various fields, viz. Intellectual Disability, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Physical Impairment, Autism, Learning Disability, and Behaviour management. During the workshop it was discussed and agreed to prepare four modules. They are, i) Introduction to students with Learning Problems, ii) Screening & Identification, and Assessment of Students with Learning Problems (SWLP), iii) Management of SWLP, and iv) Practicum – Training for Identification & Management of SWLP. All the modules will have different sub headings viz. Introduction, Content Body, Learning Objectives, Activities, Unit Summary, Self-check exercises, Answer Keys and references. The materials are ready for implementation and will be implemented on trial basis in coming days
♦ Training of Key Resource Persons on Research Methodology for the States of Mizoram & Meghalaya (Phase II of PAC 25.38)”
The programme was conducted from 19th to 23rd February, 2018 at the Conference Hall of the institute. The objectives of the programme are: (i) to make the key resource persons (KRPs) aware of the methods, techniques and procedures of conducting educational research, (ii) To empower the KRPS to develop the skills of developing suitable research proposals related to school and teacher education, and (iii) To enable the KRPs to understand the approaches and the designs of educational research, tools of research, analysis and interpretation of data under different methods of research. The programme was attended by 15 DIET faculty members from the states of Mizoram and Meghalaya. The programme had sessions on the meaning, nature, types and steps of educational research, identification and formulation of research problems, writing title, objectives, variables and hypotheses, review of literature, action research, mixed research, approaches and designs of Quantitative and Qualitative Researches, tools of quantitative and qualitative researches, analysis and interpretation of data, concepts and research design, writing research proposal, report writing, group work and sharing of the group works. The feedback from the participants was that it was a very enriching programme for them but the duration is too short. The programme was coordinated by Dr. T. Newmei, Assistant Professor, DELSS, NERIE, Shillong.
♦ Training of Teacher Educators on Constructivist Approach to Teaching and Learning of Social Science for the State of Nagaland
The training programme was conducted with effect from the 20th to 24th November, 2017 at the ICT room in the institute. The objectives of the programme are: (i) To help the teacher educators understand the philosophy and spirit constructivist approach to teaching and learning, (ii) To train the teacher educators on the methodologies of teaching in the light of constructivist approach, and (iii) To empower the teacher educators to implement the strategies of constructivism in actual classroom situation. Altogether 29 participants (5 DIET faculty & 24 (TOTS) from the state of Nagaland participated in the programme. The programme had sessions on the need to shift from behavioristic to constructivist approach, concepts and theories of constructivism, constructivist framework for instructional strategies/designing constructivist learning situations, 5E model of constructivist lesson plan, cooperative learning models, sharing of exemplars on the constructivist approach to teaching of Economics, Political Science, Geography, History, ICT in teaching of Social Science, CCE as an integral part of the teaching-learning process, group work on designing constructivist learning situations, sharing of group works, and discussion on issues and concerns in teaching of Social Science. The feedback from the participants was that they had gained a lot in terms of clarity about the constructivist approach and that they would like the NERIE to conduct training for all the subjects. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Tasongwi Newmei, Assistant Professor, DLSS, NERIE, Shillong.
♦ Training of KRPs of North East on Social Inclusion at the Secondary Stage
The programme was attended by 19 teachers from the states of Assam, Manipur, Sikkim and Tripura. On those five days 7 resource persons namely Prof. Lucy Zehol, Prof, SK Singh, Prof. S.C .Roy, Dr. Th.Bharat Singh, Dr. N. Samungou Singh, Dr. Kh. Bijoykumar Singh, Mr. B. Umesh kumar Sharma along with the Coordinator, Dr. Sarajubala talked and discussed the issue of Social inclusion with reference to Gender, Language, Economy, Ways to inclusion in the school system, Sociological meaning of discrimination etc. The clientele group of the programme is the DIET/SCERT faculty members and Head teachers of High schools.
♦ Training for Text Book Writers of Linguistic Minorities for the State of Sikkim
Training for Text Book Writers of Linguistic Minorities for the State of Sikkim was conducted by NERIE at the Conference Hall, NERIE, Umiam from 3 to 7 October 2017. The programme was attended by 33 textbook writers of 10 tribal communities of Sikkim. The Resource Persons namely Prof. A.K. Mishra, Director EFLU, Shillong, Prof. S.C Roy, Dean Academics, NERIE, Dr.S.K.Jha, S.N.College , Jehanabad, Dr. Ph. Brayajanti Devi, Head DESM,NERIE, Shillong and Ms. Rosy Yumnam, EFLU, Shillong including the coordinator discussed about NCF-2005: and changing perspective of textbook, instructional system designs, methodology of developing textbooks, themes and topics to be included in the mother tongue textbooks, the language and genres to be used in the textbook, the pedagogy of textbook, organization and presentation of chapters, importance of illustrations in the textbooks, question pattern and the real task of writing. The clientele group of the programme is the textbook writers of Minority languages of the state of Sikkim.
♦ Training of Teachers on Teaching Learning in Multilingual class at the Primary Level for North East
Training of Teachers on Teaching Learning in Multilingual class at the Primary Level for North East was conducted by NERIE at the Conference Hall, NERIE, Umiam from 23 to 27 October 2017.The programme was attended by 33 teachers from the states of Assam, Manipur, Sikkim and Tripura. 4 resource persons namely Prof. N. Pramodini, Dept. of Linguistics, Manipur University, Dr. Saralin Lyngdoh, Dept. of Linguistics, NEHU, Dr. Palash Kumar Nath, Asst. Prof. ABILAC, Dr. M.G.Wallang, NERIE ,Dr. T.Newmai, NERIE along with the Coordinator, Dr. Sarajubala talked and discussed about Multilingual Education as a whole, Mother Tongue Education, Concept Development and Mother Tongue, NCF-2005, Psycho- social Aspects of language Learning, language acquisition and language learning, using of home language as a resource of learning, linguistic rights and strategies of multilingual education. The clientele group of the programme is the Head teachers and teachers of Primary schools.
♦ Training of Master Teachers of Sikkim on Question Paper Setting at Upper Primary Level
Training of Master Teachers of Sikkim on Question Paper Setting at Upper Primary Level was conducted at NERIE, Shillong from 12-16 February 2018. The programme was attended by 24 eachers, Language Coordinators, Textbook Officers of HRDD Sikkim. In the programme Dr. Kh. Dineshkumar Singh, Associate Prof. DMCTE, Imphal, Dr. W. Jyotirmoi Singh, Associate Prof. DMCTE, Imphal. Dr. Minati Paul, Sr. Lecturer DIET, Bongaigaon, Dr. Prachi Ghildyal, NERIE along with the coordinator discussed about Examination reform, CCE, Instructional objectives and evaluation, setting of questions: type of question, development of blue print, design of question, writing scoring key, items etc. All the participants in groups could develop question papers in the programme. The clientele group of the programme is the teachers and language coordinators HRDD Sikkim.
♦ Certificate course for primary school teachers on Education of children with Special Needs
The major objective of the programme was to draft training module and organize three month certificate program for primary school teachers on education of CWSN. A workshop was organized from 11 to 15 September, 2017 at NERIE. Four experts were physically present during the workshop and other three experts were joined and shared their expertise through tele conferencing. Contents were collected from the experts and ready for editing work for print. Organization of the training is proposed for the year 2018-19.
♦ Training for KRPs on management of CWSN in inclusive classroom at Primary Level
The purpose of the program was to sensitize the KRPs on Screening & identification, uniqueness of students and planning & implementation of lessons with appropriate TLMs for teaching children with Special Needs in Inclusive Classroom. The program organized at NERIE from 4 to 14 January, 2018. A total of 11 participants from three states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Meghalaya were attended. There were explained theoretical concepts related to CWSN and Inclusive education and also exposed to inclusive and special schools for relating the discussed theoretical concepts and better understanding the concepts of organizing and planning for inclusive classroom.
♦ Training of master trainers on Teaching-learning of Science with special focus on activities and projects at elementary level for the North Eastern States.
In a progressive and forwarding looking society, Science plays a liberating role helping people escape from the vicious cycles of poverty,
ignorance and superstition. Science education being an important component of the education system contributes in to the solutions of the
national problems through development of desirable qualities, understanding, skills, abilities, etc; among the people. Teaching of Science
not only makes students ready for many professions but also for gives training on scientific methods and development of scientific attitudes.
According to National Education Policy (NPE 1986) Science should be taught in such a way that it promotes inquisitiveness, creativity and
The National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) observed that to enhance to enhance the quality of science learning, to correct the distortion
in educational aims, the curriculum transaction must give more importance in connecting knowledge to life outside the school and going beyond
textbooks. In fact, learning through activities make the teaching – learning process more interesting and motivating. Moreover, it reduces
stress among the children and makes them fear free from examinations. The main objective of the programme was to acquaint the Participants
about the need and importance of activities and projects in Science Education, To empower them with the Science process skills and scientific
methodology, To provide practical experience through hands on activities and designing projects, To enhance the competency in teaching –
learning of science through activity based learning and hands on experience. The programme was conducted in experiential mode with theoretical
inputs from the experts on relevant topics. The methodology adopted was lecture followed by discussions, demonstrations, interactions with
the experts and hand on experience through activities
S.No | Title of the Programme | Venue and Dates | No. of Participants |
1 | Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling through Distance/Online and Face to Face | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong January to December, 2017 | 11 |
2 | Certificate Course in Early Childhood Education (ECE) | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 12th June to 8th September, 2017 | 15 |
3 | Training of Teacher Educators of Tripura and Meghalaya on Action Research | SCERT, Agartala 8th to 12th January, 2018 | 15 |
4 | Training of Key Resource Persons (KRPs) of Tripura on Multi-grade and Multi-level Teaching | SCERT, Agartala 2nd to 6th January, 2018 | 37 |
5 | Capacity Building for Teacher Educators of North Eastern States Using the Training Module on NCFTE- 2009, JVC Report- 2012 and NCTE Regulation- 2014 | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 13th to 17th November, 2017 | 29 |
6 | Competency Based Training Programme for DIET Faculties on the Philosophy and Emerging Trends for Effective Implementation of D. El. Ed Programme | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 27th November to 1st December, 2017 | 11 |
7 | Training for Key Resource persons in innovative teaching learning and evaluation practices in English at the elementary level for the state of Arunachal Pradesh. | SCERT, Itanagar 5th – 9th July, 2017 | |
8 | Training for Master Trainers on developing reading and writing competencies in English at elementary level for the state of Manipur | SCERT, Imphal, Manipur 5th to 9th March, 2018 | 40 |
9 | Training for Key Resource persons in developing Oral skills in English at the primary level for the state of Sikkim | SCERT, Gangtok 9th to 13th October, 2017 | 37 |
10 | Training programme on Value Inculcation, Peace education and Life skills for the Master trainers of Assam, Mizoram and Sikkim | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 11th to 15th December, 2017 | 30 |
11 | Training of Key Resource Persons on Research Methodology for the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram & Meghalaya | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 19th to 23rd February, 2018(I Phase) 19th to 23rd March, 2018(II Phase) | 15 (I Phase), 10 (II Phase) |
12 | Training of Teacher Educators on Constructivist Approach to Teaching and Learning of Social Science for the State of Nagaland | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 20th to 24th November, 2017. | 29 |
13 | Capacity Building of Master Trainers on Teaching-Learning of Science and Mathematics at Elementary Level | - | - |
14 | Orientation of KRPs of NE states on leadership, motivational and communication skills | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 12th to 16th March, 2018 | 7 |
15 | Training of Master Teachers of Sikkim on Question Paper Setting at Upper Primary Level. | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 12th to 16th February, 2018 | 24 |
16 | Training of Teachers on Teaching Learning in Multilingual class at the Primary level for North East. | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 23rd to 27th October, 2017 | 33 |
17 | Training for Text Book Writers of Linguistic Minority for the State of Sikkim | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 3rd to 7th October, 2017 | 31 |
18 | Orientation of KRPs of North East on Social Inclusion at Secondary Stage | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 12th to 16th June, 2017 | 19 |
19 | Training for KRPs on management of CWSN in inclusive classroom at Primary Level | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 4th to 14th January, 2018 | 11 |
20 | Training of master trainers on teaching-learning of Science with special focus on activities and projects at elementary level for the North Eastern States. | NERIE, Umiam, Shillong 20th to 24th November, 2017 | 17 |
♦ Try-Out of the Resource Material in Actual Classroom Situations for Effective Implementation of Constructivist Approach in Social Science at the Secondary Stage
This try- out of the resource material was conducted during January, 2017. Prof. B. R. Dkhar, Head, DEE, Dr. S. Saigal, Dr. B. Kharlukhi, Asst. Professor and Dr. Ajanta Brahma, Reader, SCERT, Assam was deputed to try out the resource material in K.V. CRPF School, Amegong & K.V. School Khanapara. The objective of this programme is to try-out the revised resource material in actual classroom situations, to find out the effectiveness of the resource material among the students and to improve the resource materials as per the feasibility of classroom practices, the feedback and the suggestions gain from the field. After the try- out it was found out that the resource material was very effective in order to implement constructivist approach in the classroom.
♦ Training of SCERT and DIET Faculty Members of NE States on Action Research
The training programme was aimed to orient the participants on the concept, technique and creating an ethos for action research in schools
and teacher education institutions. It was also to make them understand the different practices of action research in the field. Participants
were also encouraged and motivated to do the action research more and more at their respective work place so that they can solve their academic
and other problems and bring a qualitative change and professional work. A participatory approach was adopted to build the concepts and
techniques and hands-on experiences were given to them to develop the action research proposal.
Major thrust areas were: how to conceive an action research problem, how to formulate an action research title/problem, how to formulate
hypothesis/action research hypothesis, how to review related literature, how to develop action research design, action research tools and
pre-test and post-test, how to give intervention, how to collect data, how to analyze and interpret data, how to write report and how to
put references and bibliography, etc. At the end of the training programme all the participants came out with a developed action research
proposal individually.
The clientele were teacher educators of DIET and SCERT only.
The feedback received from the participants during and after the training was found quite satisfactory. The participants were quite
satisfied with the training programme and they found it quite useful.
♦ Training of Master Trainers in the Improvement of Teaching Learning of English at the Secondary Level for the State of Tripura
The training programme was successfully completed by focusing core areas of language teaching. It was designed to give teachers practical ideas on language teaching skills and techniques to promote active communication among students. The programme also looked into developing the professional skills of teachers in teaching, curriculum development and evaluation.
♦ Training programme for KRPs in Innovative Pedagogic practices in English at the Primary level for the State of Sikkim
The training programme was carried out for five days from 24th – 28th October, 2016 to acquaint the master trainers with the reform type of questions in terms of language, scope, score and length and also to provide practical guidance to the trainers on the techniques of teaching and testing higher mental abilities. A total of 21 college teachers attended the programme. The focus area of the training were preparation of design and blueprint, writing and assembling questions, preparation of scoring key, question wise analysis and moderation of question paper. During the training, blue print for different subjects for class X along with respective question papers for different sections detailing the type, weightage, score and time period for each type of questions and question-wise analysis sheet were prepared. The subjects were English, Manipuri, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, political science, history and economics. All the participants suggested to conduct such programmes at regular interval since the programme was found to be helpful to them technically.
♦ Training of KRPs on Communication Skills (English) at Secondary Level
The programme was conducted by Dr. Melissa G. Wallang in NERIE for five days for the two states in NE region i.e. Arunachal and Mizoram. The main objective of this training programme is to improve interpersonal communication skills between teachers and students. There were 22 participants and 6 resource persons which include 3 faculty members of NERIE and 3 from the English Foreign Language University, Shillong. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. A. Sukumar, Principal NERIE. The major outcome of this programme is that teachers realized the importance of effective communication skills in a classroom which promote learning achievement. Topics covered in this programme include classroom interaction and its management, language skills particularly speaking and writing skills. Reader’s theatre was one of the activities used in this programme to promote fluency and comprehension in reading. This activity provides teachers with a platform to test their skills in reading aloud using appropriate intonation, pauses, diction, and pronunciation. A session on Non-verbal communication and ICT tools to aid communication with children with special needs was also conducted.
♦ Training programme of the Master Trainers on Question Paper setting
The training programme was carried out for five days from 24th – 28th October, 2016 to acquaint the master trainers with the reform type of questions in terms of language, scope, score and length and also to provide practical guidance to the trainers on the techniques of teaching and testing higher mental abilities. A total of 21 college teachers attended the programme. The focus area of the training were preparation of design and blueprint, writing and assembling questions, preparation of scoring key, question wise analysis and moderation of question paper. During the training, blue print for different subjects for class X along with respective question papers for different sections detailing the type, weightage, score and time period for each type of questions and question-wise analysis sheet were prepared. The subjects were English, Manipuri, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, political science, history and economics. All the participants suggested to conduct such programmes at regular interval since the programme was found to be helpful to them technically.
♦ Training of Secondary Teachers on Vocational Courses in IT and Healthcare Sectors
The training programme was organized at SCERT, Chaltlang to provide an exposure to the participants in regard of the activity as per the modules on the related sectors as well as the functioning and infrastructural requirements in real work situations. During the training more emphasis were on hands on experience through field visit to the related organizations namely RIPANS, Theological college and NIT, Aizawl. It was preceeded by a thorough input in theoretical background on the first day. Exemplar demonstration and hands on activities were as per the needs identified by the participants as per the module developed by PSSCIVE, Bhopal. Some other sessions were hypertext transfer protocol, were browsed, world wide web, e-commerce, online shopping, email, installation of windows 7, ubuntu, classroom management, hardware maintenance IT while basic and advance First aid, wound with the associated operational structures in healthcare sector.
♦ Training Programme in Geography for the KRP's of the State of Sikkim
Training Programme in Geography for the KRP's of the State of Sikkim" was conducted from 5 to 9 Dec. 2016 at NERIE Umiam, Shillong. The Programme was attended by PGT Geography 14 Participants deputed by the SCERT Sikkim, Gangtok. Dr. Uttam Lal, Asst. Professor in Geography acted as resource person came from the Central University Sikkim, and other NERIE -NCERT, Umiam, Shillong faculty engaged the different sessions in the training programme. Along with the Programme Coordinator Mr. R. A. Singh, Asst. Professor in Geography the participants visited the North Eastern Space Application Centre, Umiam, Dept. Of Space, ISRO, Govt. of India at Ri-Bhoi for the practical and recent development in Geo Space Technological aspects of Geography. The last day programme was concluded by issuing the participation certificates to all the participants by programme coordinator followed by valedictory with vote of thanks form KRPs, Sikkim, State of Sikkim.
♦ Training of DIET and SCERT faculty members of Mizoram on Education for sustainable Development with special reference to the Project Book developed by NCERT
It was held at the Conference Hall of SCERT, Mizoram from 13th to 17th Feb 2017. The programme was attended by 23 SCERT faculty members, DIET faculty member and teachers. In the programme Dr. Ph. Brajayanti Devi, Dr. C.V. Shimray, Dr. Tulika Dey and Dr. Ch. Sarajubala have attended as resource person. The topics delivered and discussed in the training were on the Project Books of NCERT and sustainable development the participants developed 4 projects as a part of the training. There was a visit on the dumping place of solid waste in the state and prepared a report on a better way of solid waste management in the state. The clientele group of the programme is the DIET/SCERT faculty members and school teachers.
♦ Training of Master Trainers of Tripura for the improvement of Science, Mathematics teaching-learning at Secondary Level
This program was proposed based on the need identified by the state in the State Coordinating Committee (SCC) meeting with the educational functionaries of Tripura. This was held in SCERT, Agartala from 16-20 January, 2017 and Sri Ratish Majumder, the Director, SCERT, Tripura was the Honorary Director of the programme. The main objectives were, to build pedagogical competency of the teachers to develop activity/ experimental skills of students of secondary level, to orient participants for using science and mathematics kit at secondary stage, and to orient participants for integrating ICT in classroom teaching-learning process for transacting the concepts. science and mathematics teachers of secondary schools of Tripura and RMSA persons who are dealing with science and mathematics subjects were invited in the program as participants. In the program, the KRPs were oriented to use activity based teaching learning using Kits and also ICT. The program got a good response from the participant.
♦ Orientation of KRPs on the Use of Science and Mathematics Kits at Secondary level
The programme was proposed for all 8 North Eastern States. Secondary school teachers who are teaching science and mathematics were invited. But there were participation from Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Mizoram only. The main objectives of the programme were, to identify activities based on the topics of secondary level text books, to orient the KRPs (secondary science and mathematics teachers) on activity based teaching-learning, and to enhance competency of the teachers towards activities, experiments by using the science and mathematics kits. There were parallel sessions on Science and Mathematics where Participants were exposed to Science and Mathematics kits developed by NCERT for secondary level.
♦ Certificate course for Primary School teachers on Education of Children with Special Needs
A three month certificate course entitled ‘Certificate course for primary school teachers on education of children with Special Needs’ was proposed by Mr. B. Umesh Kumar Sharma, Asst. Professor in Special Education as Coordinator. On the basis of the identified and planned modules viz, i) Introduction to Children with Special Needs, ii) Screening & Identification, and Assessment of Children with Special Needs, iii) Management of Children with Special Needs, and iv) Practicum – Training for Identification & Management of Children with Special Needs, eight Experts from various disabilities field were identified and approached for writing course materials. As per the suggestions from experts, materials i.e. guideline and module outline for the preparation of training materials have sent to them so that they can prepare at their own place and send the written content to the coordinator for preliminary round. Some of the experts have sent their written content to the coordinator, remarks and feedback also sent back accordingly. A workshop on compilation and final drafting the training materials will be organized during the FY 2017-18 and try out also will be carried out.
♦ Training for KRPs on Management of CWSN in Inclusive School at Elementary Level
A training programme entitled ‘Training for KRPs on management of CWSN in Inclusive School at Elementary Level’ was conducted from 30
January to 6 February, 2017, at NERIE, Umiam, Shillong. The Coordinator of the programme was Mr. B. Umesh Kumar Sharma, Asst. Professor
in Special Education. The programme was conducted with three objectives viz. a) to sensitize the KRPs on identification of children with
Special Needs, b) to acquaint the KRPs with uniqueness of students with Special Needs in learning process, and c) to prepare KRPs for
planning and implementation of lessons with appropriate TLMs for teaching children with Special Needs in Inclusive classroom. A total
of 28 participants were registered and attend the programme. Around ten themes related to the inclusive education were covered during
the programme. Participants were facilitated by five resource persons during theoretical and practical sessions. They were exposed to
Ferrando Speech and Hearing, Centre, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya. At the end of the programme Participants expressed their willingness and plan
for developing special programme for training teachers on management of children with special needs at their states and expressed their
satisfaction and improved learnt skills from the programme.
S.No | Title of the Programme | Venue and Dates | No. of Participants |
1 | Training of SCERT and DIET Faculty Members of NE States on Action Research | NERIE, Umiam 15th -19th Nov, 2016 | 24 |
2 | Training of Master Trainers in the Improvement of Teaching Learning of English at the Secondary Level for the State of Tripura | SCERT, Agartala 7th – 11th March, 2017 | 36 |
3 | Training programme for KRPs in Innovative Pedagogic practices in English at the Primary level for the State of Sikkim | SCERT, Gangtok 21st – 25th Nov, 2016 | 21 |
4 | Training programme of the Master Trainers on Question Paper setting | Board of Secondary Education, Manipur 24th – 28th Oct, 2016 | 21 |
5 | Training of Secondary Teachers on Vocational Courses in IT and Healthcare Sectors | SCERT, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl 20th – 24th March, 2017 | 35 |
6 | Training Programme in Geography for the KRP's of the State of Sikkim | NERIE, Umiam 5th - 9th Dec, 2016 | 14 |
7 | Orientation of Master Trainers on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) | SCERT, Agartala 27thFeb – 3rd March, 2017 | 34 |
8 | Training of KRPs on Communication Skills (English) at Secondary Level | NERIE, Umiam 31st Jan - 3rd Feb, 2017 | 22 |
9 | Training of Tea tribe areas of Assam on emerging education issues | DIET Dibrugarh, 30th Jan – 3rd Feb, 2017 | 32 |
10 | Certificate Course in Early childhood Education | NERIE, Umiam 1st Aug – 30th Oct, 2016 | 11 |
11 | Capacity building of KRPs on the use of Science and Mathematics Kits at Upper Primary Level (TSP States) | SCERT, Assam 7th - 11th Nov, 2016 | 7 |
12 | Orientation on Recent Initiatives for the Key Educational Functionaries of States | SCERT, Assam 6th - 10th March, 2017 | 12 |
13 | Training of KRPs on Education for Sustainable Development with special reference to the project books developed by NCERT” | Conference Hall, SCERT, Assam 13th - 17th Feb, 2017 | 31 |
14 | Training of DIET and SCERT faculty members of Mizoram on Education for sustainable Development with special reference to the Project Book developed by NCERT | SCERT, Mizoram 13th - 17th Feb, 2017 | 31 |
15 | Training on Psycho-social Educational Interventions for problems of adolescents | NERIE, Umiam 3rd - 7th Oct, 2016 | 15 |
16 | Training of Master Trainers of Tripura for the improvement of Science, Mathematics teaching-learning at Secondary Level (PAC 25.51) | SCERT, Agartala 16th – 20th Jan, 2017 | 33 |
17 | Orientation of KRPs on the use of science and mathematics kits at secondary level (PAC 25.50) | NERIE, Umiam 6th – 10th March, 2017 | 12 |
18 | Training for KRPs on management of CWSN in Inclusive School at Elementary Level | NERIE, Umiam 30th Jan – 6th Feb, 2017 | 28 |
19 | Capacity Building Programme for Paper Setters of State School Education Boards” by RMSA Project Cell (NIE) | NERIE, Umiam 6th - 10th Feb, 2017 | 13 |
♦ Summary of the training Programme
With respect to the training programme at NERIE, Umiam there were altogether 22 training programme which was conducted during the session
2015-2016. The main thrust area of the programmes includes teacher education where the focus is in the NCFTE, 2009 and the new regulation
of NCTE, 2014. However there are emerging areas like vocational education teachers an Entrepreneurship skill development and education for
vocational skill, constructivist approach, education for place, Yoga in School education, skill based activities/ Work Education, CCE, ICT,
children with special needs (CWSN) and inclusive Education
Other relevant issues and concerns which were covered during the training, programmes were teaching learning in multilingual classes at
the primary, level, training of teacher education and teachers on psycho educational intervention for problems of adolescents. Moreover,
there are thrust areas which cater to subject specific like programmes on Environmental Geography, Communication Skills in English. Content
enrichment and Pedagogy in History and Political Science, teaching and learning of environment with special reference to the project basic,
use of ICT in teaching and learning of Social Science and languages, Science and Mathematics at Secondary level, use of learning resources
in Science and Mathematics improvement of Science and Mathematics. There were also thrust areas which focus on tribal language such as the
training on textbook writers of newly recognized tribal languages.
The target group of the training programmes includes both the elementary as well as the Secondary and higher Secondary stages beside
SCERT, DIET, fatty measures, ICRPs teacher educations and Master trainers.
S.No | Title of the Programme | Coordinator | Venue and Dates | No. of Participants |
1 | Orientation of SCERT and DIET faculty members of Sikkim on NCFTE, 2009 & New regulation of NCTE, 2014: | Prof. S. C. Roy | NERIE, Umiam 28th Jan- 1st Feb 2016 | 17 |
2 | Training for Higher Secondary / Vocational Education Teachers on Entrepreneurship skill Development: | Dr. B. Devi | SCERT, Mizoram 14th – 18th March 2016 | 40 |
3 | Orientation Programme for the KRPs of NE on Education for Vocational Skills: | Dr. B. Devi | NERIE, Umiam 29th Feb to 4th March 2016 | 7 |
4 | Try-out and finalization of the resource material for effective implementation of Constructivist Approach in Social Science for Secondary Teachers: | Dr. B. R. Dkhar | NERIE, Umiam 16th – 20th Nov, 2015 | 8 |
5 | Training programme for the KRPs on Environmental Geography for the state of Arunachal Pradesh: | Mr. R. A. Singh | NERIE, Umiam 1th -5th Feb, 2016 | 15 |
6 | Training of KRPs in communication skills (English) at the Secondary level: | Dr. M. G. Wallang | SCERT, Nagaland 3rd - 7th Aug, 2015 SCERT, Sikkim 21st-25th Sep, 2015 | 36,42 |
7 | Training of Teacher Educators on Education for Peace: | Dr. P. Ghildyal | SCERT, Guwahati 14th-18th Dec,2015 | 12 |
8 | Orientation of Teachers/Teacher Educators on ‘Introduction of Yoga in school education’: | Dr. S. Saigal | Shillong 2nd- 6th Nov, 2015 | 22 |
9 | Training of KRPs of Sikkim in History and Political Science – Content enrichment and pedagogy at Senior Secondary level: | Dr. S. Saigal | Gangtok 5th - 9th Oct,2015 | 26 |
10 | Training of Teachers on Teaching Learning in Multilingual class at the primary level for the state of Tripura | Dr. S. Devi | SCERT, Agartala 13th -17th Oct, 2015 | 41 |
11 | Training on textbook writers of newly recognized tribal languages (Paomei, Liangmei and Gangmei): | Dr. S. Devi | BSEM, Imphal 8th-14th Jan, 2016 | 19 |
12 | Enrichment programme for KRPs on Skill Based Activities / Work Education at Secondary School level in North East Region: | Dr. B. Kharlukhi | NERIE, Umiam 7th – 11th Dec, 2015 | 12 |
13 | Training of Teacher Educators and Teachers on Psycho-educational interventions for problems of adolescents: | Dr. B. Kharlukhi | Regional Training Institute, GSI, Upper Nongrim Hills, Shillong 2nd – 6th Nov, 2015 | 8 |
14 | Training of KRPs on teaching and learning of environment with special reference to the project books developed by SCERT and NCERT: | Dr. A. Kumar | SCERT, Aizawl, Mizoram 3rd-6th Nov, 2015 | 27 |
15 | Capacity building of master trainers on CCE: | Dr. A. Kumar | SCERT, Agartala 5th–9thOct, 2015 | 22 |
16 | Use of ICT in teaching-learning of Social Science and Languages at secondary level: | Dr. A. Kumar | NERIE, Shillong 14th-18thSept, 2015 | 13 |
17 | Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning of Science and Mathematics at Secondary level: | Mr. M. M. Ali | NERIE, Umiam 5th-9th Oct,2015 | 7 |
18 | 5-day training programme for KRPs of Arunachal Pradesh on the use of Learning Resources in Science and Mathematics at Elementary level: | Mr. A. Sen | Bharat Scouts and Guides HQ, Naharlagun, Arunachal Pradesh 24th -28th Aug, 2015 | 25 |
19 | Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning of Science and Mathematics at Secondary level: | Mr. A. Sen | NERIE, 30th Nov- 4th Dec, 2015 | 6 |
20 | Improvement of Science and Mathematics Education at Upper Primary Stage (SSA) | Mr. A. Sen | NERIE, 22nd -26th Feb, 2016 | 39 |
21 | Training programme for KRPs on dealing children with special needs in inclusive schools at elementary stage: | Mr. U. Sharma | Conference Hall, SCERT, Kohima, 23rd-27th March, 2015 | 42 |
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